Hi, I think a blog can be very useful, like a journal, only better. It seems like a great idea, especially if you want to keep ideas in chronological order. Three years ago I stared a blog for my remodeling project but abandoned it because I was too busy to post to it. I have not had time to read any blogs, so do not really have much experience with them. It seems like the promise that technology can allow one to get more done in less time is kind of a myth, at least when one is beginning...
1 comment:
Hi, I think a blog can be very useful, like a journal, only better. It seems like a great idea, especially if you want to keep ideas in chronological order. Three years ago I stared a blog for my remodeling project but abandoned it because I was too busy to post to it. I have not had time to read any blogs, so do not really have much experience with them. It seems like the promise that technology can allow one to get more done in less time is kind of a myth, at least when one is beginning...
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